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Become a Member

Are you passionate about supporting your community to grow and want to contribute to the growth and empowerment of Aboriginal people?

If yes, we would love for you to become a member. Memberships are paid annually prior to each Annual General Meeting in October. Members are required to attend and vote at the AGM.

Application for Memberships are also open throughout the year. To become a member, please download the LAA Membership form and purchase your membership. Once the form is completed, please either scan to admin@laalangford.org.au; post to 15 Imber Turn Langford, WA 6147; or drop off at LAA office.

Associate Membership-Waged
Associate Membership-Unwaged
Full Membership-Waged
Full Membership-Unwaged

Management Committee Member

If you wish to become a Management Committee member, you will have to become a paid member and also complete a nomination form. Prior to the Annual General Meeting in October, there is an approval process which closes in the third week of September each year. To nominate, please download the LAA Committee Nomination form.

For deadlines and more information regarding the above please contact LAA Admin.


  1. Membership Form
  2. Management Committee Nomination Form